Search Results - floyd+bell

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Using Artificial Intelligence to Assess Difficulty Level of Ultrasound Examinations
Reference #: 01503 The University of South Carolina is offering licensing opportunities for Using Artificial Intelligence to assess difficulty level of ultrasound examinations. Background: The use of ultrasound is rapidly expanding across virtually all levels of medical practice. Ultrasound is a very operator-dependent modality compared to other...
Published: 9/12/2023   |   Inventor(s): Richard Hoppmann, Floyd Bell, Robert (Toufic) Haddad, Keith Barron
Keywords(s): AI, artificial intelligence, Assessment, Competency, Gamification, Scanning, Simulation, Ultrasound
Category(s): Health Sciences, Biomedical and Life Sciences, Software and Computing
Projection System for Visual Morphing of Patient Disease
Reference #: 01430 The University of South Carolina is offering licensing opportunities for Projection System for Visual Morphing of Patient Disease Background: Many patients fail to truly understand the implications of their condition. They sometimes neglect how their disease can progress and thus do not prioritize their medications and needed lifestyle...
Published: 12/5/2024   |   Inventor(s): Richard Hoppmann, Steven Wilson, Robert (Toufic) Haddad, Floyd Bell
Keywords(s): age-progression, AI, artificial intelligence, deep learning, disease-progression, education, educational device, Medical images, morphing, pathology, predictions, real-time
Category(s): Health Sciences, Software and Computing
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