Search Results - victor+giurgiutiu

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AI method-apparatus for extracting crack-length from high-frequency AE signals
Reference #: 01536 The University of South Carolina is offering licensing opportunities for AI method-apparatus for extracting crack-length from high-frequency AE signals Background: In metallic structures, fatigue cracks are inevitable and need to be detected and quantified. However, the crack length information is hard to be estimated. It is imperative...
Published: 9/3/2022   |   Inventor(s): Victor Giurgiutiu, Hanfei Mei, Joseph Garrett, Kimberly Cardillo
Keywords(s): acoustic emission, artificial intelligence, crack length, fatigue crack growth, finite element simulation, machine learning, standing wave, structural health monitoring
Category(s): Engineering and Physical Sciences
Round the Clock Structural Health Monitoring System for Aircraft Moveables
Reference #: 01163 The University of South Carolina is offering licensing opportunities for a Round the Clock Structural Health Monitoring System for Aircraft Moveables Background: Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) is an important technology that helps improve the reliability and safety of aeronautical and civil structures, while at the same time...
Published: 5/13/2021   |   Inventor(s): Michel Van Tooren, Victor Giurgiutiu, Paul Ziehl, Bin Lin
Category(s): Engineering and Physical Sciences
Vibration Test-cell With Axial Load and In-situ Microscopy
Reference #: 01382The University of South Carolina is offering licensing opportunities for vibration test-cell with axial load and in-situ microscopy.Background:The test cell enables understanding the micro-fracture events during fatigue crack vibrations. Invention Description:The test cell is comprised of four subparts: mechanical load frame, mechanical...
Published: 5/13/2021   |   Inventor(s): Victor Giurgiutiu, Yeasin Bhuiyan, Matthew Droghini
Category(s): Engineering and Physical Sciences
Acoustic Emission Method to Ascertain Damage Occurrence in Impacted Composites
Reference #: 01448 The University of South Carolina is offering licensing opportunities for Acoustic emission method to ascertain damage occurrence in impacted composites Background: In CFRP composites manufacturing flaws and operational damage are inevitable and need to be detected for quality assurance. In-service damage of CFRP structures is also...
Published: 5/15/2024   |   Inventor(s): Victor Giurgiutiu, Robin James, Roshan Joseph
Keywords(s): acoustic emission, carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP), composite structures, damage detection, impact damage, structural health monitoring
Category(s): Engineering and Physical Sciences
Angle-Beam Guided Waves for Composite-Damage Identification and Monitoring
Reference #: 01446 The University of South Carolina is offering licensing opportunities for Angle-beam guided waves for composite-damage identification and monitoring Background: In composites, manufacturing flaws and operational damage are inevitable and need to be detected for quality assurance. In-service damage of composite structures is also...
Published: 6/12/2024   |   Inventor(s): Victor Giurgiutiu, Robin James, Hanfei Mei, Mohammad Haider
Keywords(s): angle beam transducer, carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP), damage detection, delamination, guided waves, impact damage, phased array transducer, structural health monitoring
Category(s): Engineering and Physical Sciences
In-situ Fiber Optic Temperature Field Measurement During Thermoplastic Composite Welding
Reference #: 01310The University of South Carolina is offering licensing opportunities for In-situ Fiber Optic Temperature Field Measurement During Thermoplastic Composite Welding.Background:Thermoplastic composites are of growing interest in the aerospace sector due to their inherent properties. Their high toughness results in low-weight designs, and...
Published: 4/17/2024   |   Inventor(s): Lingyu Yu, Victor Giurgiutiu, Mohammad Faisal Haider, Bin Lin
Category(s): Engineering and Physical Sciences
Analytical Global-Local (AGL) Prediction of Guided Wave Scattering from Discontinuities
Reference #1324:The University of South Carolina is offering licensing opportunities for Analytical Global-Local (AGL) Prediction of Guided Wave Scattering from DiscontinuitiesBackground:The basic principle of using guided Lamb waves for damage detection in structural health monitoring (SHM) applications of a structure is based on the investigation...
Published: 4/29/2021   |   Inventor(s): Victor Giurgiutiu, Mohammad Faisal Haider, Banibrata Poddar
Category(s): Engineering and Physical Sciences
Acoustic Black Hole ABH Sensor
Reference #: 01190The University of South Carolina is offering licensing opportunities for a highly sensitive, acousto-ultrasonic sensor achieved through the application of acoustic black hole concepts.Invention Description:The subject invention is an acousto-ultrasonic sensor with a high-sensitivity response enhancement achieved through the application...
Published: 4/12/2018   |   Inventor(s): Victor Giurgiutiu, Erik Frankforter
Category(s): Engineering and Physical Sciences
Identify Structural Defect Geometric Features from Acoustic Emission Waveforms
Reference #: 01199The University of South Carolina is offering licensing opportunities for a technology that identifies structural defect geometric features from acoustic emission waveforms.Background:Acoustic emissions (AE) waves are generated by a sudden redistribution of stress in a material or structure. AE techniques have many industrial applications,...
Published: 10/15/2020   |   Inventor(s): Victor Giurgiutiu, Jingjing (jack) Bao, Banibrata Poddar
Category(s): Engineering and Physical Sciences
Embedded-Ultrasonic Structural Radar (EUSR) with Piezoelectric Wafer Active Sensors (PWAS) for Wide-Area Nondestructive Evaluation of Thin-Wall Structures
Reference# 00327 Invention Description: The subject invention is a method and device for performing ultrasonic damage detection in a thin-wall structure using an array of embedded Piezoelectric Wafer Active Sensors (PWAS). Background: It has been recognized that there is a need to monitor the structural health of various types of equipment (i.e. vehicles,...
Published: 9/1/2022   |   Inventor(s): Victor Giurgiutiu, Jingjing (jack) Bao
Category(s): Engineering and Physical Sciences
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