Search Results - acoustic+emission

7 Results Sort By:
Algorithm for Detection of Real-Time Damage using Acoustic Emissions
Reference #: 01546 The University of South Carolina is offering licensing opportunities for Algorithm for Detection of Real-Time Damage using Acoustic Emissions Background: Other methods of damage detection rely on historical data (meaning that they will need to collect multiple days, weeks, or months of data before they can make a determination...
Published: 9/3/2022   |   Inventor(s): Paul Ziehl, Casey Cole
Keywords(s): acoustic emission, Acoustic emissions, classification, damage, decision tree
Category(s): Advanced Materials, Engineering and Physical Sciences
Portable Railroad Spike Inspection System based on Acoustic Signals
Reference #: 01567 The University of South Carolina is offering licensing opportunities for Portable Railroad Spike Inspection System based on Acoustic Signals Background: It is reported that broken spikes were observed frequently, including cut spikes, screw spikes, and driven spikes that were used to restrict both tie plates and rails. Since the...
Published: 3/7/2025   |   Inventor(s): Yu Qian, Jun Liu
Keywords(s): acoustic emission, hammer excitation, microphone, non-destructive testing, railroad spike, sound wave frequency and pattern, wave propagation
Category(s): Engineering and Physical Sciences
Short-term AE Monitoring to Identifying ASR Progression in Concrete Structures
Reference #: 01504 The University of South Carolina is offering licensing opportunities for Short-term AE monitoring to identifying ASR progression in Concrete Structures. Background: Alkali-silica reaction (ASR) is one of the aging agents in concrete structures, which endangers structure serviceability and integrity. The reaction causes expansion,...
Published: 2/25/2025   |   Inventor(s): Paul Ziehl, Vafa Soltangharaei
Keywords(s): acoustic emission, alkali-silica reaction, nondestructive method, structural condition assessment
Category(s): Engineering and Physical Sciences
Acoustic Emission Damage Classification of Rotating Machinery via Intensity Analysis
Reference #: 01474 The University of South Carolina is offering licensing opportunities for Acoustic Emission Damage Classification of Rotating Machinery via Intensity Analysis Background: Acoustic Emission (AE): “the class of phenomena whereby transient elastic waves are generated by the rapid release of energy from localized sources within...
Published: 9/3/2022   |   Inventor(s): Paul Ziehl, Brenna Feirer, Rafal Anay
Keywords(s): acoustic emission, Damage classification, intensity analysis, machine performance, rotating machinery
Category(s): Engineering and Physical Sciences
AI method-apparatus for extracting crack-length from high-frequency AE signals
Reference #: 01536 The University of South Carolina is offering licensing opportunities for AI method-apparatus for extracting crack-length from high-frequency AE signals Background: In metallic structures, fatigue cracks are inevitable and need to be detected and quantified. However, the crack length information is hard to be estimated. It is imperative...
Published: 9/3/2022   |   Inventor(s): Victor Giurgiutiu, Hanfei Mei, Joseph Garrett, Kimberly Cardillo
Keywords(s): acoustic emission, artificial intelligence, crack length, fatigue crack growth, finite element simulation, machine learning, standing wave, structural health monitoring
Category(s): Engineering and Physical Sciences
Laser-Based Non-Destructive Spike Defect Inspection System
Reference #: 01473 The University of South Carolina is offering licensing opportunities for Laser-based Non-destructive Spike Defect Inspection System Background: Although many new types of elastic fasteners and concrete ties have been introduced recently, cut spikes (referred as spike hereafter) together with tie plates and timber ties are the dominant...
Published: 6/19/2024   |   Inventor(s): Yu Qian
Keywords(s): acoustic emission, laser excitation, non-destructive testing, railroad spike, wave propagation
Category(s): Engineering and Physical Sciences
Acoustic Emission Method to Ascertain Damage Occurrence in Impacted Composites
Reference #: 01448 The University of South Carolina is offering licensing opportunities for Acoustic emission method to ascertain damage occurrence in impacted composites Background: In CFRP composites manufacturing flaws and operational damage are inevitable and need to be detected for quality assurance. In-service damage of CFRP structures is also...
Published: 5/15/2024   |   Inventor(s): Victor Giurgiutiu, Robin James, Roshan Joseph
Keywords(s): acoustic emission, carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP), composite structures, damage detection, impact damage, structural health monitoring
Category(s): Engineering and Physical Sciences
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