Search Results - machine+learning

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AI method-apparatus for extracting crack-length from high-frequency AE signals
Reference #: 01536 The University of South Carolina is offering licensing opportunities for AI method-apparatus for extracting crack-length from high-frequency AE signals Background: In metallic structures, fatigue cracks are inevitable and need to be detected and quantified. However, the crack length information is hard to be estimated. It is imperative...
Published: 9/3/2022   |   Inventor(s): Victor Giurgiutiu, Hanfei Mei, Joseph Garrett, Kimberly Cardillo
Keywords(s): acoustic emission, artificial intelligence, crack length, fatigue crack growth, finite element simulation, machine learning, standing wave, structural health monitoring
Category(s): Engineering and Physical Sciences
Methods for Non-linear Distortion Immune End-to-End Learning with Autoencoder-OFDM
Reference #: 01441 The University of South Carolina is offering licensing opportunities for Methods for Non-linear Distortion Immune End-to-End Learning with Autoencoder-OFDM1 Background: AI-based communication systems utilize machine learning modules (e.g., deep learning) to replace the functionality of the highly engineered blocks (e.g., coding,...
Published: 9/4/2022   |   Inventor(s): David Matolak, Alphan Sahin
Keywords(s): Autoencoder, Complementary sequences, machine learning, OFDM, PAPR
Category(s): Engineering and Physical Sciences, Software and Computing
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