Novel Resuscitative fluid for Trauma Patients


Reference #: 00444

The University of South Carolina is offering licensing opportunities for a novel IV fluid to stabilize victims of severe blood loss and hasten recovery without complications in order to reduce stays in intensive care, lower the incidence of pneumonia, and generally cut costs associated with treating victims of hemorrhagic shock.


In the United States, accidental injuries/trauma are the leading cause of death in individuals aged 1-44. Most often, hypovolemic shock is secondary to rapid blood loss (hemorrhagic shock).  In hemorrhagic shock, blood loss exceeds the body's ability to compensate and provide adequate tissue perfusion and oxygenation.  This is frequently due to trauma, but it may be caused by spontaneous hemorrhage (e.g. GI bleeding, childbirth), surgery, as well as other causes.

The subject invention allows for the resuscitation of patients using a novel fluid without the complications that may be experienced with most current resuscitative fluids. 

Invention Description:

This technology consists of a multi-component resuscitative fluid to maximize the hemodynamic response to resuscitation while minimizing re-perfusion injury and intrinsic harm created by current resuscitative fluids. The resuscitative fluid allows for restoration of intravascular volume without significant volume overloading as is experienced with current crystalloid applications.  Use of this fluid would ameliorate free radical damage from ischemia reperfusion of anoxic tissue beds.  It would also function as an immunomodulant, decreasing neutrophil activation and systemic inflammation as a result of the shock state. 

Potential Applications:

  • Alternative to traditional IV fluids used to stabilize victims of severe blood loss

Advantages and Benefits:

This fluid is hypertonic, hyperosmotic, and antioxidant.  It has the potential to alleviate problems caused by activation of neutrophils and systemic inflammation which occurs during the process of a shock state.



Patent Information:
For Information, Contact:
Technology Commercialization
University of South Carolina
Stephen Fann
Michael Yost
James Morrison
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