Targeting Treatment For ADAM30 In Pathological Cells


Reference #: 01462

The University of South Carolina is offering licensing opportunities for Targeting treatment for ADAM30 in pathological cells


The treatment options for vascular malformations include conservative management, drug treatment, interventional radiology, laser therapy, excisional surgery and psychological treatment. However, due to their complexity of types of blood vessels involved and severity of symptoms, proper diagnosis and managements are difficult and prognosis varies, which is a major challenge and threat to public health. Early diagnosis of some congenital vascular malformations, such as sturge-weber syndrome (SWS), cerebral vascular malformations, are hampered due to lack of biomarkers. The treatment options for these congenital vascular malformations are also very limited and clinical outcomes are not satisfied. This invention can help the early diagnosis for these disorders as well as provide a novel treatment option for blockage of activity of ADAM30. There is no targeting therapy available so far for these disorders.

Invention Description:

This invention uses ADAM30 for a biomarker to help early diagnosis of congenital malformed vasculatures in children. It can be served as a companion diagnostic biomarker for malformed vasculatures as well as a sub-population of cancer cells. Blockage of activity of ADAM30 by a neutralized antibody or inhibitor can be used as a treatment strategy for those ADAM30-positive vascular endothelial cells and cancer cells.

Potential Applications:

Congenital vascular malformations occur in 1.5 percent of the general population. Vascular malformations can involve arteries, veins, lymph vessels, capillaries or combinations of these. They occur during embryonic growth, representing vascular defects or developmental problems at birth. Vascular anomalies can be found in any type of blood vessels from any part of the body, such as extremities, skin, brain, lung, etc. They can be symptomatic or asymptomatic, depending on locations of the lesions, types of vasculatures involved and stages of the diseases. It can also be used for a companion diagnostics and treatment for a subset of cancer cells.

Advantages and Benefits: 

It will be the first companion diagnostic biomarker and first targeting treatment option for congenital vascular malformations to help early diagnosis and increase the treatment efficacy. It is also applicable to a subset cancer cells.

Patent Information:
Title App Type Country Serial No. Patent No. File Date Issued Date Expire Date Patent Status
Targeting Treatment For ADAM30 In Pathological Cells Utility United States 17/400,308 12,006,550 8/12/2021 6/11/2024   Notice of Allowance
For Information, Contact:
Technology Commercialization
University of South Carolina
Wenbin Tan
Elaine Taine
Hui Wang
Vi Nguyen
Xialing Cao
a disintegrin and metalloprotease (ADAM)
vascular malformation
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