Cumulus Cells Biomarkers for the Identification of Viable Embryos


Reference #: 01355


The University of South Carolina is offering licensing opportunities for Cumulus Cells Biomarkers for the Identification of Viable Embryos



Human in vitro fertilization (IVF) generates embryos that can be transferred into the uterus to achieve pregnancy and live birth. IVF only results in live birth outcomes in about 50% of cycles because it is difficult to choose which of the generated embryos will result in live birth. The most common method for embryo selection is morphological appearance.

Additionally, pre-genetic testing for normal chromosomal numbers has been used in recent years to select euploid embryos, but even selecting a euploid embryo does not guarantee uterine implantation or live birth.


Invention Description:

A method has been developed that can use cells surrounding the eggs to identify the embryos with the best odds of implanting in the uterus and leading to a live birth. This method will potentially lead to fewer cycles to live birth, reducing the cost of multiple IVF cycles.


Potential Applications:

This invention will be used in conjunction with morphological assessment and pre-genetic testing to select the embryos with the best odds of leading to a live birth from IVF. It may be able to replace pre-genetic testing. It will help patients decrease the time to pregnancy and will reduce the cost associated with multiple IVF cycles.


Advantages and Benefits:

This invention will allow for the selection of the embryos with the best live birth potential. It has an advantage over pre-genetic testing because this method is non-invasive and uses cells that are a by-product of oocyte retrieval, whereas the pre-genetic testing requires removal of cells from the embryo itself. There is minimal risk to the embryos because the cells used for testing are usually removed and discarded during the normal IVF process.

Patent Information:
Title App Type Country Serial No. Patent No. File Date Issued Date Expire Date Patent Status
Methods for Measuring Gene Expression Levels to Identify Viable Oocytes Utility United States 16/295,564 11,988,674 3/7/2019 5/21/2024   Issued
For Information, Contact:
Lacie Cottrill
Technology Associate
University of South Carolina
Richard Kordus
Holly LaVoie
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