Search Results - sourav+banerjee

8 Results Sort By:
Design of Biosensor with high sensitivity and selectivity
Reference #: 1687 The University of South Carolina is offering licensing opportunities for Design of Biosensor with high sensitivity and selectivity. Background: Biosensors have become a potent tool that is widely used for health care, environmental and food safety monitoring, and all the way for disease diagnostics. The early diagnosis of diseases...
Published: 2/25/2025   |   Inventor(s): Sourav Banerjee, Debdyuti Mandal
Category(s): Health Sciences, Biomedical and Life Sciences, Software and Computing, Engineering and Physical Sciences, Advanced Materials
Innovative vibrational system for the trunk proprioceptive impairment study
Reference #: 1664 The University of South Carolina is offering licensing opportunities for Innovative vibrational system for the trunk proprioceptive impairment study. Background: One of the key human feedback systems is somatosensory system. The somatosensory system transmits proprioceptive, or body segment position sense, information from sensors...
Published: 9/26/2024   |   Inventor(s): Debdyuti Mandal, Sourav Banerjee, John Gilliam, Sheri Silfies
Category(s): Advanced Materials, Engineering and Physical Sciences, Environmental and Sustainability
Methodology and GUI for NDE/SHM using Two-Stage Compressive Sensing
Reference #: 01579 The University of South Carolina is offering licensing opportunities for Methodology and GUI for NDE/SHM using Two-Stage Compressive Sensing Background: Compressive Sensing has been shown to greatly reduce data acquisition and processing burdens by providing mathematical guarantees for accurate signal recovery from far fewer samples...
Published: 10/26/2023   |   Inventor(s): Sourav Banerjee, Mustahseen Indaleeb, Shawn Beard, Ritubarna Banerjee
Keywords(s): Compressive Sensing, Data Features, Data Reduction, NDE, SHM, Ultrasonics
Category(s): Engineering and Physical Sciences
Mechanism and Methods for Robotic Installation of Stakes
Reference #: 01582 The University of South Carolina is offering licensing opportunities for Mechanism and Methods for Robotic Installation of Stakes Background: Currently, as part of the bell pepper planting process, stakes are needed to provide support for the plant as it begins to grow from a two-three-week-old plant to a fully mature plant. This...
Published: 1/26/2023   |   Inventor(s): Sourav Banerjee, Corey Leydig
Keywords(s): AI, architectural, artificial intelligence, autonomous, robotics, stake installation
Category(s): Environmental and Sustainability
Artificial Cochlea for Mechanical Processing of Sound
Reference #: 01491 The University of South Carolina is offering licensing opportunities for Artificial Cochlea for Mechanical Processing of Sound Background: So far in our society, the artificial processing of sound is achieved through microphones and digital electronics systems, which are not always reliable. However, natural organisms do it differently....
Published: 5/28/2024   |   Inventor(s): Sourav Banerjee, Mohammad Sadegh Saadatzi
Keywords(s): Artificial Basilar Membrane, Artificial Cochlea, Artificial Ear, Electrode array, Fabrication, Human-Robot interaction
Category(s): Health Sciences, Biomedical and Life Sciences
High Voltage Energy Harvesting and Sensing With 3D Spiral Design
Reference #: 01488 The University of South Carolina is offering licensing opportunities for High Voltage energy harvesting and sensing with 3D Spiral Design Background: Due to the limited availability and high depletion rates of nonrenewable energy sources as well as environmental concerns, the scientific community is urged to explore and harness...
Published: 9/3/2022   |   Inventor(s): Mohammad Sadegh Saadatzi, Sourav Banerjee
Keywords(s): Band of frequency filtered, Band of frequency pass or sensed or harvested, Braodband Energy Harvesting, Energy Harvesting, Energy Scavenging, Pass band frequencies, Smart Sonic Crystal Piezoelectic Material, Soft Harvesters, Sonic Crystal Metamaterial, Stop band frequencies
Category(s): Energy
Energy Scavenging from Broadband Ambient Vibration Using Sonic Crystal
Reference #1281:The University of South Carolina is offering licensing opportunities for a Smart Sonic Crystal used for broadband ambient energy scavenging.Background:Almost all individuals in the USA will be using some form of electronic gadget (laptops, tablets, cell phones, e-reader, etc.) by 2020. That will increase the energy demand by a factor...
Published: 5/27/2021   |   Inventor(s): Sourav Banerjee, Md Riaz Ahmed
Category(s): Engineering and Physical Sciences, Energy
Quantitative Acoustic Contrast Tomography for Studying Fungal Growth and Toxicity
Reference #: 01080 The University of South Carolina is offering licensing opportunities for a minimally invasive technique that can provide accurate information of the mechanical and the morphological features of an entire landscape of an expanding fungal colony.Invention Description:The subject invention is can simultaneously study the structural,...
Published: 8/14/2024   |   Inventor(s): Sourav Banerjee, Anindya Chanda
Category(s): Biomedical and Life Sciences, Research Tools, Chemistry and Biochemistry
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