Search Results - Nanotechnology

43 Results Sort By:
The preparation of a brain targeted artificial nano-enzyme and application
Reference #: 01514 The University of South Carolina is offering licensing opportunities for The preparation of a brain targeted artificial nano-enzyme and application Background: Chronic neuroinflammation is caused by the activation of microglia, which is the major cause of central neuronal system (CNS) diseases, including Alzheimer’s disease,...
Published: 4/25/2024   |   Inventor(s): Peisheng Xu, Haijun Liu
Keywords(s): Alzheimer’s disease, Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, brain injury, Brain targeted nanoparticle, Brain tumor, Epilepsy, frontotemporal dementia, glioblastoma, Huntington's disease, Multiple sclerosis, neonatal hypoxic-ischemic, neuroblastoma, Parkinson's disease, post-traumatic stress disorder, Spinal cord injury, stroke
Category(s): Nanotechnology, Health Sciences, Biomedical and Life Sciences
Nanoparticle for the remodeling of cancer-associated fibroblast
Reference #: 01513 The University of South Carolina is offering licensing opportunities for Nanoparticle for the remodeling of cancer-associated fibroblast Background: The biomimetic enzyme activity of the cerium oxide nanoparticle (CeNP) prefers ultrasmall particle size and bare surface. Unfortunately, those two features are not favorable for its...
Published: 2/6/2025   |   Inventor(s): Peisheng Xu
Keywords(s): cancer, cancer metastasis, cancer treatment, cancer-associated fibroblast, tumor microenvironment remodeling
Category(s): Nanotechnology, Health Sciences, Biomedical and Life Sciences
Nano-amended Cement Composites for Nuclear Waste Storage
Reference #: 01389 The University of South Carolina is offering licensing opportunities for nano-amended cement composites for nuclear waste storage. Background: Cement waste forms are typically used to store low-level nuclear waste, for which the primary isotope of interest is technetium (Tc). Several studies have demonstrated the rapid re-oxidation...
Published: 6/14/2023   |   Inventor(s): Fabio Matta, Mohammed Baalousha, Juan Caicedo, Joseph Flora, Shohana Iffat, Leydy Mejia Cruz, Mithun Sikder, Paul Ziehl, Mabel Cuellar-Azcarate, Ernest Wylie, Brian Powell, Steven Serkiz, Yuyu Xie
Keywords(s): Cement, nuclear waste, saltstone, technetium
Category(s): Engineering and Physical Sciences, Nanotechnology
Separation of oil water mixtures using nanotechnology
Reference #: 01077 The University of South Carolina is offering licensing opportunities for low-cost nanoparticles for pollutant and waste removal. Background: Rapid removal of oil from the water surface is important to mitigate the harmful environmental effect of fast spreading oil spills. Different oil spill cleanup techniques like physical sorption...
Published: 6/3/2021   |   Inventor(s): Jamie Lead
Category(s): Nanotechnology, Environmental and Sustainability
Persistent Micelle Corona Chemistry
Reference #: 01535 The University of South Carolina is offering licensing opportunities for Persistent Micelle Corona Chemistry Background: Polymer micelles have found significant uses in areas such as drug/gene delivery, medical imaging, and as templates for nanomaterials. For many of these applications, the micelle performance depends on its size...
Published: 3/27/2023   |   Inventor(s): Morgan Stefik, Taylor Larison
Keywords(s): drug delivery, drug delivery pharma, electrolyte, micelle
Category(s): Chemistry and Biochemistry, Nanotechnology, Advanced Materials, Health Sciences
A Nanopore Method for Identifying Single Amino Acid in Oligopeptides
Reference #: 01471 The University of South Carolina is offering licensing opportunities for A Nanopore Method for Identifying Single Amino Acid in Oligopeptides Background: The primary sequence of a protein or a peptide is essential to its identification and function. In the area of personalized diagnosis and therapeutics, an accurate proteomic information...
Published: 4/18/2024   |   Inventor(s): Chang Liu, Qian Wang
Keywords(s): amino acid, derivatization, identification, nanopore, proteomics
Category(s): Chemistry and Biochemistry, Nanotechnology, Health Sciences
Carrier-Free Curcumin Nanoparticle for EGFR Positive Cancer Therapy
Reference #: 01472 The University of South Carolina is offering licensing opportunities for Carrier-free curcumin nanoparticle for EGFR positive cancer therapy Background: Due to their small size and large surface area, drug nanoparticles show great promise in improving drug delivery in patients. Invention Description: Most nanoparticle based...
Published: 5/10/2024   |   Inventor(s): Peisheng Xu
Keywords(s): cancer, carrier-free, curcumin, EGFR receptor, erlotinib, nanoparticle, Nanotechnology
Category(s): Health Sciences, Biomedical and Life Sciences, Nanotechnology
Flow Velocimetries Based on Laser Induced Fluorescence Photobleaching
Reference #: 01351The University of South Carolina is offering licensing opportunities for Flow Velocimetry based on laser induced fluorescence photobleaching.Background:Transport phenomena (fluid mechanics, heat transfer, mass transfer) play a key role for the performance of micro/nanofluidic devices. To understand the transport phenomena, one needs...
Published: 1/23/2020   |   Inventor(s): Guiren Wang, Audrey Wang
Category(s): Engineering and Physical Sciences, Nanotechnology, Biomedical and Life Sciences, Health Sciences
The Preparation of Dual-Targeted Nano-Cocktail and its Application in Cancer Therapy
Reference #: 01404 The University of South Carolina is offering licensing opportunities for Preparation of Dual-Targeted Nano-Cocktail and its Application in Cancer Therapy Background: Due to the heterogeneous nature of tumors and the limitation of anticancer drugs, a mono-compound treatment usually can only kill a fraction of cancer cells while...
Published: 9/4/2022   |   Inventor(s): Peisheng Xu, Binglin Sui
Keywords(s): cancer treatment, drug delivery, dual responsive, hetero-targeted, Nano-cocktail
Category(s): Chemistry and Biochemistry, Nanotechnology, Biomedical and Life Sciences, Health Sciences
Enzymatically Cleavable Self Assembled Nanoparticles for Morphogen Delivery
Reference #: 01350 The University of South Carolina is offering licensing opportunities for Enzymatically Cleavable Self-Assembled Nanoparticles for Morphogen Deliver Background: There is a continuing need to develop approaches for controlled release of morphogens, which control cell shape, in applications such as tissue regeneration. While metal...
Published: 6/14/2023   |   Inventor(s): Esmaiel Jabbari
Category(s): Biomedical and Life Sciences, Engineering and Physical Sciences, Nanotechnology, Health Sciences
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