A Porous Lightweight Metal Supported All Solid State Battery


Reference #: 01206

The University of South Carolina is offering licensing opportunities for a porous lightweight metal supported all solid state battery that can deliver higher performance characteristics than traditional Lithium-ion batteries


Lithium-ion batteries are in common use. However they have a number of limitations; one of which is that they are susceptible to overheating and in some instances, even fires. The main reason for these mishaps is the use of liquid electrolyte (organic solvent) in Lithium-ion batteries. These problems have necessitated the need for the development of a new class of batteries with unique and more acceptable characteristics. This quest has given rise to the rise of Solid-state batteries. Unlike Lithium-ion batteries that have liquid electrolytes, Solid-state batteries have both solid electrodes and solid electrolytes, eliminating the problem of electrolyte leakage found in traditional batteries. Solid-state batteries are also easy to miniaturize, have very long shelf lives, and do not experience abrupt changes in performance with temperature (arising from electrolyte freezing or boiling). Further to these, with a solid-state electrolyte, there's virtually no degradation; that is to say that the battery can last through "hundreds of thousands of cycles without any form of depreciation in capacity.

Invention Description:

The subject invention is a new type of all-solid-state battery supported on two porous lightweight metal electrodes to achieve high energy density at high rates with excellent stability, durability, and safety.

Potential Applications:

The charging rate of current lithium-ion batteries is limited to <0.5mA/cm2 because of the concerns over the safety. The disclosed all solid-state battery concept has the potential to significantly increase the charging rate by using all solid state nonflammable components.

Advantages and Benefits:

A new safe and fast charging solid state battery technology, which is fundamentally different from conventional flammable liquid-based lithium-ion batteries.

Patent Information:
Title App Type Country Serial No. Patent No. File Date Issued Date Expire Date Patent Status
Solid State Electrolyte and Electrochemical Cell Including the Electrolyte Utility United States 15/807,934 11,239,491 11/9/2017 2/1/2022   Issued
For Information, Contact:
Technology Commercialization
University of South Carolina
Kevin Huang
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