Reference #: 01210
The University of South Carolina is offering licensing opportunities for a Multi-sealant System for Improved Shingle Resistance to Separation
It has been documented that existing asphalt roof shingles may delaminate at significantly lower wind speeds than those for which they are rated, with major consequences on safety and repair costs. Amongst several, one practical approach to improving the situation would be to add a second self-sealing strip. It is found that standard three tab shingles can be designed to optimize the position of two sealant strips, resulting in over an order of magnitude reduction in the energy values felt by the sealants.
Invention Description:
The subject invention is a practical method (from a mechanical standpoint) for improving the resiliency of the asphalt roof shingles. The method includes the addition of a second self-sealing strip ass an efficient means to radically increase resiliency against high wind loads, and potentially offset detrimental aging effects.
Potential Applications:
The main application is in the modification of asphalt roofing shingles to incorporate a second sealant strip, thereby significantly improving the resistance of the shingles to delamination.
Advantages and Benefits:
From the standpoint of this specific failure mechanism (e.g., sealant failure during high wind loading conditions), the modification should substantially improve durability of shingle systems and reduce the risk of failure in shingle roofs. The addition of a 2nd sealant strip will increase slightly the cost of each shingle, but this is offset by the reduction in insurance costs due to reduced rates and by the lowered risk of catastrophic failure that may occur during high wind loading conditions.