Accelerated Test Protocols for SOFC Cathodes


Reference #: 01161


The University of South Carolina is offering licensing opportunities an accelerated Test Protocols for SOFC Cathodes




A Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) can operate directly on natural gas, bio gas, and propane. It can also be operated on hydrogen, coal bed methane and similar light hydrocarbons. The fuel streams and oxidant do not mix or burn. SOFC produces electricity electrochemically by converting the chemical energy of the fuel directly into electrical energy thus increasing the efficiency of power production. Electrical efficiencies close to 70% are possible, however units being sold on the market today are demonstrating approximately 60% electrical efficiency or less. Since SOFC systems operate at between 500 – 950 °C they are able to produce onsite production of heat aside from the power they are originally designed for. These two outputs can be used for residential and industrial applications.


Invention Description:


The subject invention is an accelerated test protocol based on a recent theoretical analyses. It has established approaches for determining and projecting the durability of SOFC cathodes under simulated operation conditions.


Potential Applications:


Long term performance study of Solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC), power generation and battery technologies.


Advantages and Benefits

1.       A first-of-its-kind test protocol aimed at developing the SOFC technology and to aid the study of their long term performance.

2.       It has the potential to improve the robustness, reliability, reproducibility, and endurance of low-cost solid oxide fuel cells for DOE NETL solid oxide fuel cell Core Technology Research Programs.



Patent Information:
For Information, Contact:
Technology Commercialization
University of South Carolina
Xiao-Dong Zhou
Emir Dogdibegovic
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